Secrets on the Road to Concord

GAR Hall, Scituate
What the Redcoats Were Looking For on April 19
Presented by J.L. Bell, Author

Early in the spring of 1775, British army spies located four brass cannon belonging to Boston’s colonial militia that had gone missing months before. British general Thomas Gage devised plans to regain the cannon. Massachusetts Patriots prepared to thwart the general’s hopes.Each side wanted control of those weapons, but each also had reasons to keep their existence a secret. That conflict would end with blood on the road to Concord.

J. L. Bell is a writer who specializes in history, analysis, and unabashed gossip about the start of the American Revolution. He maintains the website Boston1775.net.

Reservations are recommended (see below).  Payment will also be accepted at the door.

Tickets for this event are:

  • $10.00 per person for Society members
  • $15.00 per person for non-members

Email GAR Hall Events for more information.