The Scituate Historical Society...
telling our stories
Through the coastal area lying between Boston and Plymouth flowed numerous streams, one of which the Indians called Satuit, meaning Cold Brook. This brook, wending its way into salt-marsh lands, finally merged into the tidal waters of a sweet harbor opening eastward to the sea.
C. Wellington Furlong
Scituate’s stories go way back.
It is told that in 1628, a group of hardy men and women – newly arrived from County Kent in England – ventured up the coast from nearby Plymouth. Attracted by the prominent cliffs, a protected harbor, and plentiful timber forests, these Men of Kent chose this spot. They built homes, erected windmills, planted crops and established a settlement. In 1636, the town of Scituate, Massachusetts was officially incorporated.
In the centuries since, our townsfolk continued to work the fields and the waters – harvesting fish, lobsters, and the unique Irish moss. But we also built ships – lots of them – over one thousand, in fact. We made shoes – lots of them – outfitting our soldiers during the Civil War. Among those who came to call Scituate home were “poets, journalists, artists, actors, musicians, explorers, sculptors, ministers, doctors, authors, statesmen, ‘49ers and even a cowboy or two” (local author C. Wellington Furlong’s words).
Renowned for its beauty, Scituate’s coastline is equally fabled for its treachery. Stories of local shipwrecks and the accompanying acts of bravery and kindness are legendary. Our stories are quirky, sometimes tragic, but always intriguing.
Simply put… we are a small town with a big history.
Be part of our shared community
The Scituate Historical Society was established in 1917 to preserve and protect the rich heritage that is Scituate.
Please be sure to join us for open houses, exhibitions, and special events throughout the year.
These are your stories. This is your Society. We’re glad you’re here!
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